Interfaith Prayer Book

  • By (author): Ted Brownstein
  • Product Code:IFPB
  • ISBN: 978-0-9832609-7-4
  • Pages: 98
  • Next Release Date: Not Available for Back Order- November 2024
  • Weight: 7 oz
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Soft Cover
This Interfaith Prayer Book has proven to be popular for use both at interfaith gatherings and for personal reflection, having found its way into hospitals, motel rooms and college classrooms as well as places of worship all around the world. Contains prayers from Hindu, Jewish, Buddhist, Christian, Muslim and The Baha'i Faith as well as Native African, Native American, Zoroastrian, Taoist, Confucian, Shinto, Jain and Sikh.

Its aim is to further enrich our devotional practice, to share a taste of our planet's diverse spiritual heritage and to deepen our sense of interfaith connectedness. Nothing brings us closer to God or closer to each other than prayer.
Average rating 10 out of 10 ( based on 1 review )

The Interfaith Prayer Book

Review by Marshall on 12/30/2023

This is a wonderful book, I like it. It is informative on each religions view on prayer as well as sharing their prayers. I've taken it and broke it apart and made 8 or 9 different devotional programs that I use for my weekly Interfaith devotional meeting.

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By (author): Ted Brownstein