Mahvash Khajavi-Harvey
Dr. Mahvash Khajavi-Harvey is a dentist in private practice in Seattle and a part time affiliated faculty at the university of Washington school of dentistry. A firm believer in the power of community?both far and wide?she has volunteered dentistry services overseas in third-world communities and also provides free dental care in Seattle at local homeless clinics every year. Dr. Harvey is an outspoken advocate of human rights issues and supports numerous nonprofits including: the Mona Foundation, the Tahirih Justice Center and the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project. For several years, she served on the board of "Journey with an Afghan School," a non-profit NGO, which was founded post 9/11 to build schools for girls in Afghanistan.
Books by Mahvash Khajavi-Harvey
Daylight Forever: A Memoir
Soft Cover
By (author): Mahvash Khajavi-Harvey
Soft Cover