Parivash Ardei-Amini

Parivash Ardei-Amini

Parivash Ardei-Amini was born and raised in Iran. She and her husband were the first pioneers to settle in Bouaké (the second largest city in Côte d’Ivoire) in 1975, where the first Local Spiritual Assembly (LSA) was established. She then moved to Guinea (Conakry), where she became a member of the first National Spiritual Assembly formed in 1987. In May 1982, while she was on pilgrimage, she learned that her father, Mr. Nasru’lláh Amini, had recently been martyred for the Cause. In 1989, she moved with her husband to France, where she has been in charge of the Bahá’í library and archives at the National Bahá’í Center in Paris since 2001. She has published historical articles in the Bahá’í France magazine and is the author of two biographies. The first, Edith L. Sanderson: une figure historique de la communauté baha’ie de France, which relates the life of Edith Sanderson, a historical figure of the early Bahá’í community of France, was published in 2017. The second, Ásíyih Khánum, l’illustre épouse de Baha’u’llah « La Feuille La Plus Exaltée », which relates the life of Ásíyih Khánum, the illustrious wife of Bahá’u’lláh, was published in 2018.

Books by Parivash Ardei-Amini

Hippolyte Dreyfus-Barney

Soft Cover