Thief in the Night: The Case of the Missing Millennium

  • Author: William Sears
  • Product Code:TINS
  • ISBN: 978-0-85398-008-7
  • Publisher: George Ronald, Publisher
  • Pages: 304
  • Availability:  In stock
  • Weight: 6 oz
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Soft Cover
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This is a mystery story with a difference: the mystery is a real one, and of vital importance to every human being. In the first half of the nineteenth century there was worldwide and fervent expectation that during the 1840s the return of Christ would take place. The story made the headlines and even reached the Congress of the United States. From China and the Middle East to Europe and America, men of conflicting ideas shared in the expectancy. Scoffers were many but the enthusiasm was tremendous, and all agreed on the time. Why? And what became of the story? Did anything happen or was it all a dream? In Thief in the Night the author presents the evidence in The Case of the Missing Millennium in such a way that you can solve it for yourself.
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The book that changed our family's life...

Review by Michael on 2/25/2023

This is a wonderful book! Hand of the Cause William Sears explores biblical teachings and their connections to the new message of God, brought by Baháʼu'lláh. Mr. Sears gets us excited as we join his investigation and he provides clues, as he seeks to discover--was there a new message from God and what does this mean for all of us? The reason this book changed our family's life is that my mother, who was a Methodist, was reading this book late at night in bed. My Dad was asleep, but as my Mom read the book she kept whispering, "Is it true or not?" "Is it true or not?" She and my father had been studying the Baha'i Faith for a number of weeks, attending firesides at Maxine Roth's home, around the block from our house. Finally when she said yet again, "Is it true or not?", my father sat up in bed (probably not awake yet) and said, "Of course it is true, now go to sleep!" The next day our parents became Baha'is and now, years later, 16 of our family members are now Baha'is.

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