Servicio: Virtudes de mi corazon (Spanish)

Service: Virtues of My Heart
  • Created by: Melissa Lopez Charepoo
  • Product Code:SSVMC
  • ISBN: 979-8624103894
  • Publisher: Delighted Hearts
  • Next Release Date: Not Available for Back Order- September 2024
  • Weight: 4 oz
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Soft Cover

Un libro para niños que explora la importancia de servir a los demás usando una serie de explicaciones y ejemplos de forma sencilla pero significativa. El libro se enfoca en un niño, sus actos de servicio que se extienden desde su casa hasta el mundo y la alegría que los actos de servicio provocan en su corazón.

A simple yet meaningful exploration of the importance of being of service to others. This book will help children to understand different ways they can be of service in their daily lives - helping around the house, visiting neighbors, and showing kindness to friends. This is a great resource for families and children's class teachers to encourage children to think of small, practical ways they can be of service.

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