Prophet's Daughter (eBook - ePub)

The Life and Legacy of Bahiyyih Khanum
  • Author: Janet Khan
  • Product Code:PDEP
  • ISBN: 978-1-61851-004-4
  • Publisher: Baha'i Publishing
  • Pages: 359
  • Availability:  In stock
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Prophet's Daughter examines the extraordinary life of Bahiyyih Khanum (1846-1932), the daughter of Baha'u'llah, founder of the Baha'i Faith. From the mid-nineteenth century to the early twentieth century, when women in the Middle East were largely invisible, deprived of education, and without status in their communities, Bahiyyih Khanum was an active participant in the religion's turbulent early years and contributed significantly both to the development of its administrative structure and to its emergence as a worldwide faith community. Her appointment to head the Baha'i Faith during a critical period of transition stands unique in religious history. Bahiyyih Khanum's response to the events in her life despite some eight decades of extreme hardship illustrates her ability to transcend the social and cultural constraints of the traditional Muslim society in which she lived. Optimistic and resilient in the face of relentless persecution and uncertainty, practical and resourceful by nature, she embraced change, took action, and looked to the future. The legacy of her life offers an inspiring model for thoughtful women and men who seek creative ways to deal with social change and the pressures of contemporary life.
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