Journal of Baha'i Studies, Volume 30, number 1-2

Spring-Summer 2020
  • Product Code:JBS30
  • Publisher: Association for Baha'i Studies
  • Availability:  In stock
  • Weight: 8 oz
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Soft Cover


Passing the Torch, John S. Hatcher

A Note from the ABS Executive Committee, Julia Berger

From the Editor’s Desk, Michael Sabet

Spiritual Cosmopolitanism, Transnational Migration, and the Baha’i Faith, Layli Maria Miron

Crisis and the Power of an Inclusive Historical Consciousness: Progressing from Delusional Habits to Dynamic Freedom, Todd Smith

Poem The Believer, Shirin Sabri

Illustrations “Pillars – Seat of the Universal House of Justice” and “Crest – Shrine of the Bab,” Ben Altair

Cover So High a Calling, Reza Mostmand

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