Companion to the Study of the Kitab-i-Iqan

  • Author: Hooper C. Dunbar
  • Product Code:CSKIS
  • ISBN: 978-0-85398-430-6
  • Publisher: George Ronald, Publisher
  • Pages: 291
  • Availability:  Not Available for Back Order
  • Weight: 15 oz
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Soft Cover
The materials gathered together in this Study Companion are intended to stimulate study of Baha'u'llah's Book of Certitude, the Kitab-i-Iqan. With repeated use in classes, they have evolved over a number of years into their present form, which may be used for both individual and group study. It is intended that these notes will assist the student of the Iqan to acquire a broader vision of its fundamental themes and truths and prove a convenient point of reference for explanations not always at hand. The Study Companion includes:
* annotations to the Iqan
* major themes of the Iqan identified by Shoghi Effendi
* a new index to the Iqan
* a suggested course of study for the Iqan
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