This prayer book is wrapped in a green leather cover, with a distinctive gold foil crest. Each page is highlighted with gold edges. This edition contains three obligatory prayers, general prayers, and occasional prayers. An alphabetical index of first lines makes it easy to locate specific prayers.
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Compiler: A Baha'i Compilation
Bahá’í Prayers
These are the prayers that touched my soul as a child, and they still do every day. They taught me a humble way of praying to and thinking about Bahá’u’lláh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, and taught me to be humble toward others, since we’re all the creation of God and in need of mercy and guidance. Over the years I’ve learned I can change the pronouns in my private prayer. Prayers I’ve memorized and those I re-read have new meanings as I have new life experiences. An indispensable book. I also use prayer apps, but I feel most focused and reverent with a prayer book.